Earn money and offer your service directly to the cruise guests.
1 year free trial – Pre-Register now
Our service goes online this year. Get in quickly. As a bonus you get 1 year free to use. No subscription, no contract and no costs. The number is limited.
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Tours, guides or rentals for cruise guests!
Do you rent something, do you offer tours or a great experience what your customers will like? Create one or more offers and be present for several thousand cruise guests online.
Customers have the possibility to book in advance. This saves you time, work, advertising costs and you can plan your work better. You will then settle the payment yourself with the customer.
No expensive booking fees.
Perhaps your offer could be asked for?
Your company has no service specifically for cruises, but you have an idea or the possibility with your business to make here money? Then register now and offer your idea / service on My-Cruiseline.
No contract or subscription.
You can set up our service every month and you are not bound by any contractual terms!
Our goal is to offer great offers and services on My-Cruiseline to the guests and to make your bookings as easy as possible for you.
Register now and benefit from our incredible welcome gift.
One year receive unlimited requests and use our service free of charge. You can only win.
We will get back to you as soon as the launch is officially online. Use our service and have your profile already prepared. Then you can add or customize it as you wish.
We look forward to seeing you and to have a successful time together.
With kind regards
Your My-Cruiseline Team